
8th annual earth day lower salt river cleanup

On Saturday, April 22nd, 2023, we hosted our 8th annual Earth Day Lower Salt River Cleanup at Phon D Sutton Recreation Area on the Tonto National Forest.

177 volunteers, including 24 youth volunteers, helped us remove 1.79 tons (3,580 pounds) of trash! Volunteers also helped remove Stinknet (Globe Chamomile), a fast-spreading invasive weed.

Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate Earth Day with us & make a huge impact on the Lower Salt River! With recent water release and higher flow rates, a lot of trash was unearthed and pushed downriver where it got trapped in the vegetation. Volunteers found sunglasses, shoes, sheets, towels, hats, clothing, at least 5 water-logged pallets, cans, bottles, and so much more!

Thank you to everyone from the US Forest Service Tonto National Forest for your support!

Thank you to everyone at MP Environmental Services, Inc. for donating the use of one of their dumpsters and the disposal fees for this event!

Do you see it?

Thank you to everyone who helped remove invasive stinknet!

Photos courtesy of volunteers

Raffle Winners

Thank you to Tru Flask for helping us show volunteers how much their hard work is appreciated! ⁠

Visit our online store to support our restoration projects & wear our t-shirts, hoodies, & beanies. Click HERE!

Click HERE to check out our Events Calendar & register for a cleanup.