Stellar Adventures Continues Sponsorship of Natural Restorations

Thank you to everyone at Stellar Adventures for continuing sponsorship of Natural Restorations! Stellar Adventures has been a Sponsor since January 2023 and we are honored to have their continued support our Restoration Programs!⁠

We are proud to partner with organizations committed to helping us restore Arizona's outdoor spaces & providing restoration work in nature to Military Veterans on our Dedicated Restoration Team.⁠

In addition to their Sponsorship, Stellar Adventures generously donated financial support & prizes to our Inaugural Salty Saguaro Classic, donated gift certificates to our 10/21, 11/4, & 11/11 volunteer raffles & provided the delivery & use of their portable bathrooms at those volunteer events. Check out photos of the Stellar Adventures raffle winners below. ⁠

Since 1997, the team at Stellar Adventures has worked tirelessly to create one of the largest and most diverse family-owned outfitters of adventure and Southwestern style. They are a premier adventure company specializing in invigorating and informative off-road excursions in the Sonoran Desert. ⁠⁠

From their newest mechanic all the way to their Chief Adventurer, every member of the Stellar Adventures family has three common goals: to uphold the very highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility, to provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience for each client, and to see to it that every client of Stellar Adventures comes away feeling exhilarated and satisfied.⁠

Thanks again to everyone at Stellar Adventures for investing in Arizona's outdoor spaces & helping us put our mission into action every day! You can learn more about Stellar Adventures HERE.