More than 3,168 sq ft of Graffiti Removed

Did you know we've removed more than 3,168 square feet of graffiti painted on rock faces in outdoor recreation and wilderness areas across the state?⠀

We recently updated the Graffiti Removal page on our website. Click the blue link to check out before and after pictures of projects at Oak Creek Canyon in Sedona, the Beardsley Boulder Pile in Phoenix, and Bulldog Canyon, Lower Sycamore, Mesquite Wash on the Tonto National Forest.⠀

If you come across graffiti painted on rock faces in outdoor recreation or wilderness areas, please let us know rather than attempting removal by yourself.⠀⠀

We proudly use an EcoBlaster Portable Pressure Washer and Graffiti Remover from World's Best Graffiti Removers.⠀⠀

If you would like to contribute to future graffiti removal projects, click HERE make a tax-deductible donation. ⠀